I am involved in a number of community organizations including the Freeport High School Speech Team and The Northwest Illinois Audubon Society. Keep track of the latest and check out some of these great groups from the Freeport area.



Northwest Illinois Audubon Society.


I serve as the Education Chair for the Northwest Illinois Audubon Society. If we know about the beauty of the world around us, our active participation in its preservation becomes not only a moral imperative, but a joyous activity. Check out one of our meetings, (first Tuesday of the Month, September -May), browse the newsletter, or come to one of our many events happening in the community. You’ll be glad you did.

Pegasus Wind Symphony.

I serve as a board member and the M.C. for the Pegasus Wind Symphony. Pegasus is a collection of Master musicians performing some of the world’s greatest, lesser-known works. We have concerts of different selections in different venues around the area seeking to highlight the historic architecture in and around northern Illinois.


I am an experienced bugler. I served as Troop Bugler in Scouts, have taught Bugling Merit Badge, and have played “Taps” for funeral and memorial services.

Note: I do play on an actual bugle, not a trumpet.


Simply Civics: Politics Explained podcast.


Ep. 7: It’s A Conspiracy!

In this episode we uncover the truth about some weird, movement based, and true conspiracies.


Ep. 3: Primaries

Primary campaigns. Their history, function, and future.

Ep. 6: 2 Locke 2 Furious

A walk through of John Locke’s “State of War” and “Slavery.”


Ep. 2: Media Organizations

How the profit model affects media coverage and super PAC shenanigans

Ep. 5: How We Got Here

A brief history of U.S. American political trends since LBJ


Ep. 1: Political Communication

How politicians communicate and what their messages really mean

Ep. 4: Origins of Government

A deep dive into the philosophical underpinnings of American politics.





Voice Acting